Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Best ways to get items for free, #1

Despite what Kohl's advertising says, "getting paid to shop" is fairly difficult to orchestrate, but it can be done.  One of the easiest ways to do it is to save a coupon for an item that is seasonal or comes in a seasonal package until after the season has passed and the item is on clearance.  This works with candy, cookies, anything that is marketed for particular season.  Last week I needed coffee creamer.  Coffeemate is my favorite and I had two 50-cent coupons I'd been saving until after Christmas.  Sure enough, Kroger had discounted the Christmas flavors to 25 cents each.  There were only 3 left, and they were gingerbread (my favorite is peppermint mocha), but still.  I bought all three of them, paid 75 cents, and used the coupons, which were doubled and so worth $2. So Coffeemate paid $1.25 of my grocery bill in exchange for taking home 3 creamers.  Fun times.

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