Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday 12/17/09: Don't buy paper towels

Okay, so this isn't really a coupon or sale tip at all, but it is about saving money (and the environment). I do use paper towels, but at the rate of about 1 roll every 9 months. Kleenex Viva are my favorite so when they go on sale and I have a coupon, I'll buy a roll if I'm almost out, and then that lasts me many months. And I'm a mom with an infant playing with solid foods. I know people who go through one or two rolls a week because they use them for everything, but you really don't need them to clean up spills. A dishcloth will work just as well and you can wash it. Thus you're saving money and the environment. A couple things I do consistently use paper towels for are cooking hot dogs (I wet the paper towel and wrap the dog in it to make it plump up nice & moist in the microwave) and cleaning glass. I can't think of anything else you have to have them for. Think of how you can use reusable products instead of disposable products, and you'll save money every time.

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